Performance Premixes

Preferred Seed

Going beyond your standard seed mixtures to provide products
to promote livestock and wildlife growth.

Products created for wildlife and livestock development

The team at Performance Premixes is here to help with all your needs from livestock feed and minerals to wildlife plot development. Learn more about our partners below. 

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Preferred Seed

Looking to enhance your wildlife plots this year? We are proud to offer Preferred Seed mixtures. Preferred Seed's goal is to provide you with the highest quality products with leading-edge technology and exceptional customer service. Preferred Seed is regionally located in the Northeast meanings they understand what is important to our growers just like we do.

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Gal Force Acre Rack Maker was developed to help enhance the diet of deer and other wildlife animals. Gal Force Acre Rack Maker Is an all-natural vitamin and mineral premix that has biodegradable Ingredients to contribute to the daily feed Intake.

Gal Force Rack Food Nutrition Info
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"In the years I have been using GAL FORCE RACK MAKER, I believe the added vitamins and minerals resulted in healthier does and bucks.

The proof is in the racks of the bucks we have been seeing on our Farm in West Winfield, New York. I started using GAL FORCE RACK MAKER early in the spring and it's great to see the buck's rack develop over the summer and fall.

In my opinion, GAL FORCE RACK MAKER helps the does in the spring, carrying her fawns and delivering them.

GAL FORCE RACK MAKER works for me on my farm and hunting ground. Since using GAL FORCE RACK MAKER, I have been recommending it to all my fellow-hunting buddies; they have been seeing great results too!"

– Dan Treen, West Winfield, NY

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Brown's Feed

Brown's Feed provides products specific to the Northeastern region and knows that they offer nutrition that will benefit any type of animal. From dairy to poultry to swine and more Brown's Feed offers state-of-the-art feed manufacturing to ensure they provide the best possible grain. Performance Premixes is proud to offer quality grains through the family of Brown's Feed products to our customers. We understand that each farm's needs are different from the rest. Learn more about what makes Brown's Feed standout from the rest and reach out to our team to get started.

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Harbor Point supplies a vast assortment of superb quality ingredients including vitamins, trace and macro minerals, antibiotics, yeast, salt products, fats, amino acids, premixes, flow and drying agents, and other specialty products engineered to help nurture healthy, productive animals. The team at Performance Premixes is here to help you find the most accurate minerals for your livestock.

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Let’s Get to Work

We’re available around the clock for your feed and Pioneer seed needs.

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